martes, 12 de noviembre de 2013

Puting the record straight.

It has been passed around that I was responsible for getting rid of the animal ambulance. Not true. This was a decision made by the Government Team. Why? Put quite simply, between that and the vetinary bills, being run up by the previous Councillor, it was just too much. It has also been stated that I am resposible for awarding the contract to recover abandoned animals, to Cereco. Also not true.
Let me say that I am the Councillor for the Urbanisations. I am not the Councillor for Animals. All decisions regarding animals are put forward by the relevant Councillor and approved or disapproved by a majority vote at the Junta de Gobierno.
It is regrettable that a little dog died in the back of a Cereco van and that the owner was very distraught. But for this to be brought up again in such a manner only succeeds in opening a wound for the owner. I wonder if the author of the latest diatribe, even considered the feelings of this person? It appears to me that this is politically motivated. If that is the case then I think the author should be ashamed of themselves.
I would also like to point out that the procedure of registering your pets with the Town Hall was as far as I am aware, instigated by Councillor Lewis and we continued the process.
In case you think I am one of these people who hate animals, let me point out that I have 3 rescued cats and I am currently in the process of adopting an abandoned dog.  One of my staff have several adopted cats and several dogs. Another, who is allergic to cats has however, just adopted a dog. Not everyone wants to have a pet. But those that do, treat them with the love and affection they deserve.

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