viernes, 20 de abril de 2012

Replying on my blog

It appears that there exists a system to ensure that blog entry comments are scrutinised by the host, prior to publishing. Obviously if the comments are viable and reasonable they will be published and answered. However the person must fully identify themselves and not hide behind an anonymous nom de plume. If a person decides to use the commentary box to be abusive, then I have the choice to commit them to a spam folder or delete altogether.

martes, 17 de abril de 2012

Facebook and the problems associated with this type of

As many of you saw yesterday, comments were made on Facebook suggesting that I wish to have all the bars closed down and implying that I would take “back handers”. None of the comments made were true.
I do accept the apology of the person who initiated these comments. However, if an apology is not given to me directly from the other person concerned, it is my intention to seek legal advice on this matter.
My team and I, in the Offices for the Urbanisations, work so hard to try to make things better and easier for people of all nationalities. We have attended to more than 2000 people in the last ten months, resolved problems, brought services closer to the residents, organised activities and fiestas, worked against violence towards women, supported the collection of food for the needy etc etc etc.
We are trying to deal with a huge debt, left behind by the outgoing group, trying to negotiate a settlement to the Oasis problem, trying to improve the general area, dealing with a large degree of unemployment. (The unemployment office has received more than 200 requests for work since we entered the Town Hall) trying to bring business and tourism to the area, supporting the various Charities and causes, trying to persuade Central and Regional Governments to give us grants to supply a Library, Internet facilities for all, as well as improvement grants for our own roads, lighting and water supply, education, social welfare, the list goes on and on and on.
We work very closely with the Local Police in trying to provide a safe environment for every resident and are in the process of organising a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme. To say that any member of this office would try to close down bars is pure fantasy. When we brought the fiesta to the Consum square last year, we were supporting the bars, not hindering them.

We are fully aware of the difficulties that bar owners have and so, in order to spread the business, we are organising for bar owners a Diamond Jubilee Street Party in Plaza Sierra Castilla on the 3rd of June and are organising for bar owners near the Police Station a 2 day Medieval-style market in the summer in order to bring people and hence extra business to bars in all areas.

We work on a daily basis with the Local Police and the residents to resolve the issues at the Consum square. We work WITHIN the Spanish law and are very much welcomed by the Spanish residents.
As I have stated previously, as long as bars adhere to the SPANISH licensing laws then they won’t have any problems and as long as the residents are sober and legal when they drive their cars then they won’t have any problems either.
We try very hard to share information on all activities within the Urbanisation and apart from a few people, we have received very positive feedback.
If you have any queries whatsoever, then either message me or preferably come into the office on Calle Madrid and we can discuss these issues face to face.

martes, 10 de abril de 2012

A Spanish Life

Well what a lot of stuff on A Spanish Life  Forum?
To paraphrase the great William Shakespeare : To blog, or not to blog: that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them?
First, without denying my responsibilities to the people of San Fulgencio, may I remind them that there are 9 Councillors that make up the Corporation in the Town Hall.
Secondly, It would appear that the issue of noise from bars is high on a few people´s agenda. It troubles me to think that when we are trying to deal with a huge debt, left behind, by the outgoing group, trying to negotiate a settlement to the Oasis problem, trying to improve the general area, dealing with a large degree of unemployment. ( The unemployment office has recieved more than 200 requests for work since we entered the Town Hall ) trying to bring business to the area, supporting the various Charities and causes, puting on courses in Spanish, Zumba Classes, Pilates Classes, trying to persuade Central and Regional Governments to give us grants to supply a Library, Internet faccilities for all, as well as improvement grants for our own roads, lighting and water supply, organising events and fiestas, education, Social Welfare, the list goes on and on and on. But the issue of noise from bars seems to take precedence for some people.
I fully apprexciate that noise can be quite disturbing and once you have a bee in your bonnet about it, it seems to be exaggerated. It particularly disturbs me, when I read that the Police are doing nothing about the problem. I must have dreamt the fact that at 11.30 last Friday, after attending a Good Friday Procession in the Pueblo, at which the whole village turned out, but only around 10 or 12 people from La Marina attended, I met up with 3 Police Officers, outside the bars on Calle Justo Quesada/ Franscisco Quevedo. At this time, Chief O´Neills had 2 persons sitting outside and the doors closed. The Hog´s Head had 1 smoker sitting outside and the doors were closed, The George had about 8 or 9 young lads outside. They were being a bit loud but had apparently been warned to turn the noise down. all the other bars on the Consum Square had been monitored and a couple had been warned. While I was speaking with them, they recieved a call, requiring their attendance to an incident on the other side of the Urbanisation. Now it may be deemed that I have a biased opinion, but I feel that the Police under the new Chief of Police, are doing a good job with the resources available to them. Did you know that in the last month, there have been traffic controls set up at various locations in the Urbanisation. A number of vehicles and drivers have been reported for various traffic offences relating to documents, ownership of vehicles, drunk driving and being in possesssion of stolen property. Surely it is imperative to make our Municipality a no go area for criminals, making it safe for our residents to walk the streets. Being a safe area is paramount to bringing investment to an area.
Third: As has been said many times before, If you have a problem, come to the office on Calle Madrid and discuss them face to face. I will not be responding to questions or comments made on the forum,  If any one wishes to cut and paste my comments from the blog, onto the forum, they may do so.

miércoles, 4 de abril de 2012

Why a Blog and not on the Forums.

For those that are interested, It is far easier for me to put information on a Blog, as there are enough readers of my Blog to cut and paste relevant material. I am sometimes far too busy to continually reply to threads on Forums and it only results in some cases, to petty arguements. If there are important issues that need to be discussed, I invite you to the Office, where we can have face to face dialog. The matters are dealt with at these times and not spread over several days. So call in an make an appointment or if I am free of appointments, I will be at your disposal.

martes, 3 de abril de 2012

Diamond Jubilee Celebrations

We are well on our way to organising the Celebrations for the Queen´s Diamond Jubilee. We are planning a Golf Match at El Plantio on Friday 1st June, A Sports Day on Saturday 2nd June, with 7 a side football, Petanq, Padel Tennis and Crown Green Bowling. On the Sunday we hope to have a Street Party for around 1000 persons, with a Hog Roast, Ice Cream and entertainment from various bands and groups. Their will be the Presentation of Prizes from the Sports events. We hope to encourage the Bars and Restaurants to participate and for those attending to come in costumes, representing the UK and Commonwealth. The proceedings will commence at 2pm and continue through till midnight. If we can overcome the technical details, we also hope to erect a large screen to televise live, the procession of the Royal Barges, down the Thames. So put this in your diary as a Must Do, and show off the Culture of your native country as well as your loyalty/respect to The Queen.
A full timetable will be published in the near future.

Bars and Noise

Over the next couple of weeks, the Policia Local, will be visiting the bars in the Municipality to ensure that they are adhering to their Licences. They will be denounced if they remain open past their designated time. They will be denounced if the noise is excessive. They will be denounced if the fail to keep their doors closed or place speakers outside the premises. They will be denounced if they fail to keep their customers in good order. I have agreed with the Chief of Police that I am prepared to accompany them on a Patrol at the weekend, in order to monitor the bars and cafes in the area. If you wish to report offenders, please do not wait until the day after or days later, contact the patrol vehicle direct on 696465481.

Some of the things our office is involved with

Hospital visit
We are organising a coach trip to a private hospital in Elche called IMED. If you are interested in visiting this new private hospital which includes a tour and wine reception, then please come into the office on Calle Madrid or phone us on 966443002.

Pensioners’ Card
If you are over 65 years of age and live in the Communidad Valenciana then you are entitled to a pensioners’ card which will allow you social and socio-cultural benefits. Give us a call or come into the office and we will make you an appointment with Social Services along with a translator.

Argentinian Tango Classes
We are hoping to organise Argentinian Tango classes in the Social Centre on Urbanisation Marina. If you are interested in attending or require more information then come into the office on Calle Madrid or phone us on 966443002.

Prizes for AJs
AJs bar, who work in collaboration with us in the Concejalía de Urbanizaciones in supplying food for the needy of San Fulgencio, are looking for prizes for their raffle on Saturday the 5th of May at their fun day. If you would like to donate anything, then please bring it into the office or to AJs bar.

AECC Contra Cancer

A Charity football match is planned for the 28th July in aid of AECC. Policia Local v a San Fulgencio Select. Kick off at 11 am with a pool party and music from 1pm onwards till 6pm. Giant Paella and a Raffle.
Lucky Program Draw. If you wish to donate prizes for the Raffle, please contact our office at Calle Madrid No.5..

Update on Oasis

On the 15th April the General Assembly of Neighbours are holding a meeting at the Social Centre La Marina at 11 am. The purpose of this meeting is to inform the residents about the Terms of a possible agreement with the Town Hall for the completion of the Infra structure. After there will be a vote on whether to accept the proposals.
A change in the agreement has been reached with regards to the collection of the contributions to be made by the Neighbours. The SUMA will now become involved and further information will be available on the date of the meeting.

Easter Celebrations

Schedule for the Easter Celebrations
Tuesday the 27th March 2012
Saturday the 31st of March 2012 (Eve of Palm Sunday)
18:00: Mass in Nuestra Señora de la Paz. ( Urb. Marina)
19:30: Mass in the village.
20:00: Easter concert in the music centre
Palm Sunday the 1st of April 2012
10:00: Blessing of the palms, procession and Mass in en Ntra. Sra. De la Paz. ( Urb. Marina).
11:30: Blessing of the palms in the Expo. Procession towards the Church where Mass will be celebrated in the village.
18:00: Representation of the Passion of Christ by Grupo Jerusalem in the Cardenal Belluga Theatre.

Holy Week
Monday the 2nd of April 2012
19:00: Mass in the village.
Tuesday the 3rd of April 2012
19:00: Mass in the village.
22:00: Procession: Nazareno, Verónica ( Encuentro)
The Nazarene will leave from C/Jose Antonio, La Verónica from the door of the Museum, towards the Plaza José M. Serra and A. del Real. ( next to the Mª Angeles supermarket)
Wednesday the 4th of April 2012
19:00: Mass in the village.
22:00: Procession: La Piedad, San Juan, La Soledad.
Maundy Thursday the 5th of April 2012
18:00: MASS “The Last Supper” in Ntra. Sra. de la Paz (Urb. Marina)
19:30: MASS “The Last Supper” in the village
22:30: PROCESSION OF SILENCE followed by HOLY HOUR in the parish church.
Good Friday the 6th of April 2012
8:00: Prayers in the parish church (village)
16:30: Ceremonial Remembrance of the DEATH OF CHRIST in Ntra. Sra. de la Paz (Urb. Marina).
18:30: Ceremonial Remembrance of the DEATH OF CHRIST in the parish church (village) and followed by the WAY OF THE CROSS through the village.
21:15: Procession of the HOLY BURIAL: Nazareno, La Verónica, La Cruz de los Labradores, Cristo del Perdón, La Piedad, San Juan, Cristo Yacente and Nra. Sra. de la Soledad.
Saturday the 7th of April 2012
22:00: Blessing of the fire and the Solemn Easter Vigil in the parish church (village).
Easter Sunday the 8th of April 2012
10:00: Mass in Ntra. Sra. de la Paz (Urb. Marina)
Followed by Mass in the village.
Easter Monday the 9th of April 2012
19:00: Mass in the village.
Monday of San Vicente 16th of April 2012
10:00: Mass in the parish church (village).
Followed by the PROCESSION OF THE MOST HOLY FOR THE SICK (in the village)

Security on the Urb.

Neighbourhood Watch
If you are interested in being involved in a Neighbourhood Watch scheme them please come and see us in our office on Calle Madrid.

Guardia Civil Safety Practical Tips
  1. Make a note of the make, model and serial number of your TV, DVD player, video camera, digital camera, etc, even mark them, in order to make the recovery easier.
  2. Keep the bill and box of your mobile phone. They are very important for the Guardia Civil.
  3. Make a note of the numbers of your debit and credit cards, as well as the phone numbers where to call in case of theft.
  4. It is very important to bring the above mentioned information when you go to report the loss or the theft, especially the information related to mobile phones and credit cards.
  5. Do not leave handbags, purses, wallets and keys close to open windows, because it is easier to steal them with sticks and hooks.
  6. Put in your windows and doors small sound alarms, which you can purchase in shops.
  7. When you go out, leave some lights, music or radios on, in order to pretend that someone is at home.
  8. Make a note of the registration number of suspicious vehicles which prowl around your house, and then call the Guardia Civil or Local Police to give them this information.
  9. Get a friend to collect your mail while you are away.