martes, 2 de abril de 2013

Bully Boy Tactics

I am absolutely disgusted with certain individuals who subscribe to some of the local forums. They are not content with attacking me as a Councillor, some, even as an individual. But to start attacking members of my staff, by issuing vitriolic attacks on them and their families, is akin to the tactics of one Joseph Goebels.
I absolute refute and deny any claims that any person recieves favours or considerations because they are related to people who work with me. This relates to Mr Richie Sparks who runs a legal Community Radio Station. He advertises many of the Community events that the Ayuntamiento and the Offices for the Urbanisation, promote. He also advertises for anyone who informs him of Community events.
In his capacity as a friend of mine and as the partner of Sam, he has on many occaisions, volunteered his time and services for free, because he believes in promoting a Community Spirit. If some of the people did one tenth of what Richie does for the Community, they would not have time to hide behind pseudonymns and write such trash in the forums. I know the persons behind some these pseudonymns and if I was a gossip monger, I could certainly spill a few beans about them, but that would only make me a shallow minded individual. I am better than that and so are the many people whom I regard as friends.