lunes, 25 de marzo de 2013

A reminder

It would seem that a few people have short memories. When a council inherits more than NINE million Euros of debt, it is extremely difficult to come up with new projects that do not cost a fortune to implement. So for those who moan about the appearance that nothing is being done, perhaps they should realise that that in an effort to reduce the debt, many of the original contracts had to be re negotiated. This may give the appearance that we are treading water, but we are not sinking deeper into debt.
Here is a scenario for some to contemplate. What if Spain adopted similar system of council tax as they have in the UK. 7 years ago, when I was living in the UK , my Council Tax was £1500 per annum. At today's exchange rate, that's approximately €1800. Can you imagine if every household in Spain had to pay this. There would be so much money in the pot for all sorts of improvements. Such better services. Better amenities ,better job prospects, better standards of living all round. We could say goodbye to the debt. Just imagine 1200 property owners paying that amount each year. By my calculations that works out at    €2160000. Within four years  the council would be debt free. We could have a new school, street lights working all the time, streets and pavements free of weeds. We could have a library and more doctors and improved medical services. But there is only one thing wrong with this scenario, it would require a great deal of sacrifice from the residents. Which is impossible because many want their cake and to eat it too.
All the current taxation and SUMA payments that are collected by San Fulgencio, amount to just over 3 million euros each year. A little more than 4 million comes from the Government,( Alicante, Valencia and Madrid ). The current cost of maintaining what we have, comes to more than 8 million.  So you do the Maths. Without extra money coming from somewhere, where do the moaners expect it to come from. I think if you have an answer, perhaps you could forward it on the the Prime Ministers of Britain, Spain, Greece, Italy and Cyprus and then we in Europe can all get out of the financial crisis