martes, 14 de octubre de 2014

San Fulgencio Council.

In reply to the La Marina Info, I would like to point out some of the errors that have been put onto this "Blog".
While San Fulgencio Council works hard to reduce the overall debt of more than €9,000,000.00 that was left by the previous government, it also has had to dismiss several contracts which were implemented by the previous Government Team. If they had been allowed to continue, it is my belief the Town would have been bankrupt.
The costs of Electricity and Water are public utilities and are out with the control of local authorities.
The comment about the the Council voting to increase taxes is correct, in that in order to maintain the current levels of service and infrastructure, taxes had to be increased. The reason being that, as more than 3,000 persons are no longer on the Padron, there has been a reduction of approximately €660,000 from the yearly grants, supplied by Valencia and Alicante. The author of the "Blog" however fails to state that the Tax on motor vehicles will be reduced. Of course he would not know this, as at the last council meeting (Pleno), neither he nor the rest of the opposition Councillors turned up to discuss these proposals. By his own hand he has also explained on his "Blog" entry dated 12th June 2014 paragraph 2, the above reason to be true.
With regards the increase in salary for Samantha Hull ( Not Gallon ), there are many who have said that she deserves the increase. Including Mariano Marti Sanchez ( your boss ), who albeit was being sarcastic, suggested she deserved the combined salaries of those that left our employ.
As most will be aware, the other Assessors left our employ at the beginning of the year. The fourth member left at the end of September. This whole exercise has resulted in a net saving of approximately €105,000 over a year. The work load has not diminished any and this results in both myself and Samantha having to work longer hours and to take work home with us.
The writer also states on the "Blog", that none of the opposition councillors are invited to any of the Junta de Gobiernos, this is because by it¨s name it is a meeting of the Government Team. In all Town Councils in Spain and Spanish speaking countries, opposition members are not normally invited to be part of the Junta de Gobierno.
In relation to the remuneration received by myself, this is my salary, which is well documented, and in order to qualify for said salary, I have to attend these meetings of the Junta. If I am on holiday, I do not qualify, therefore these days have to be re scheduled. As opposition councillors, I am sure that if they wanted to, they could examine the total amounts paid to me over a year. As declared in my taxes. They would discover that since 2013, I am in fact as yet underpaid, by several thousand euros.
And for those that do not know, I attend my office most days from 09.00 hrs until 15.00 hrs. This does not count the extra hours put in on Civic duties as well as the hours taken up by working at home. Neither does it take into account the hours spent at meetings.