martes, 20 de enero de 2015

Fiesta of San Anton and the collection of the chickens

It has been pointed out to me,  that through several of the forums, there has been expressions of distate at the treatment of the chickens and rabbits at this fiesta. For the last few years I have declined to be part of this. My personal opinion is that it is cruel and unnecessary.  In fact, after last years fiesta, I suggested to the Mayor that it would be more humane to carry the animals in cages. This would not detract from the essence of the fiesta as currently the animals are collected and eventually placed in the back of a van with cages. Yes cages. Most, if not all survive the ordeal of being carried through the streets. So it would be simple to change.
Perhaps because there is an election this year, the ruling party does not wish to offend any of its voters. However they have failed to realise that more and more of the residents of La Marina, have become more politically aware and most of the extranjeros abhor animal cruelty