viernes, 17 de abril de 2015

Keeping you informed

There has been quite a few comments on one of the other forums regarding the state of the roads on Oasis. I tried to phone Carlos the Mayor, but he was not answering his phones. I managed to get a hold of Pascual Mojica, the first deputy. He informed me that the machinery to do the roads, should be in situ, by the end of next week. If not, then by the beginning of the following week. The actual work should start very soon after. So the work should be well on the way, by the time the election comes around.
On the subject of the elections, the convicted ex Mayoress, Trinidad Martinez was in Alicante this morning apparently assisting the new leader of the local PSOE, to obtain certification for the ex pats on his list of candidates. I was there also. She acknowledged me with a rye, nervous smile. The new leader of the local PSOE apparently is the boyfreind of Trini's daughter. So there will be no manipulation there, will there?.

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